I'm a simple girl with a li'l dream, of seeing her humble works in exquisite print, to share with all who feels for words, written with
an unsupressable urge. So indugle in my fantasies, and plow your way through my memories, greatly appreciated you will be,
if you can leave your comments here for me.

Friday, July 29, 2005

No Laughing Matter

A strange phenomenon has been happening to me, and has become more pronounced in the last couple of months.

In recent times, I realised that most guys I hang out with for the first time, would come to a natural conclusion about me by the end of the date. For the umpteenth time, including tonight, I hear a guy say to me,"You are funny. You make me laugh."

"You make me laugh?" What kind of comment is that? What am I? Jerry Seinfeld reincarnate? Do I look like a walking joke dispensing machine?

The guy went on to say it was amazing that I wasn't attached. I asked why. He claimed that many guys would love to be with a girl like me, someone who brightens up their day and make them laugh.

Sorry dude - I seriously beg to differ. Which girl in the right mind would be flattered by the comment "You make me laugh"? Since when is it more desirable than "You make my heart flutter?"; "You make me melt" or even something as simple as, "You are very sweet".

Gone were the days when men say that to me. Now I am like a clown to them. I told the guy that when men make women laugh, women fall for them because they think the guy is witty, funny, and can see life in a lighter vein. It puts women at ease.

When women make men laugh, men see them as a great girl buddy to "hang out" with. Someone who they can talk cock to, openly crack dirty jokes, gossip and laugh heartily - knowing that the girl would not be put off. So which men would seriously start seeing me as a romantic interest if all they feel about me is that I make them laugh??

So tragic. I am so in deep shit. No wonder I am so very single. Now that we have demystified everything - why am I not feeling any better?


Anonymous said...

well, nobody said that being able to make a guy laugh is synonymous with being a clown,it depends on how u make him laugh,with ribald jokes(still depends on how u put it across,with a bawdy laugh?,with a flirtatious twinkle in ur eye,with a small suggestive smile, etc) or with witticism(though i doubt guys r subtle enough to appreciate this),with sardonic,caustic comments (which i think would scare them away) but it seriously depends on wat vibes u r creating,a sensual,warm one?Looking at him with lazy half hooded eyes. but whatever it is,being funny is a great gift which very few females have.so u should be very glad that when u do find that some1,ud have a great time together & he'd enjoy your company,unlike most females with whom after sex gets boring,will start seeing them as merely a moving entity in the house if not a troublesome, emotionally demanding 1 =)

Beth said...

well... i rather they said i make them laugh than i make their hearts flutter. ... for the later i would retract almost immediately... i will run. ;)

it's good to just be friends with them, just be casual, just be funny.