I'm a simple girl with a li'l dream, of seeing her humble works in exquisite print, to share with all who feels for words, written with
an unsupressable urge. So indugle in my fantasies, and plow your way through my memories, greatly appreciated you will be,
if you can leave your comments here for me.

Thursday, April 13, 2006


Grassroots Blogger Book Marketing Campaign, or GBBMC for short, is an ingenious marketing stint spearheaded by Kevin Apgar to promote Paul Davidson's latest book, The Lost Blogs.

The Lost Blogs is a satirical compedium of ancient blogs by the most infamous personalities in history - from Ghandi to Jesus to Jim Morrison. In this witty and original take on the most important technological development since spam, The Lost Blogs offers hundreds of blogs from the most famous minds in history, detailing their hysterically personal (and impersonal) "revelations".

GBBMC is an amazingly fun project where 40-odd bloggers took to the blogosphere and write as their preferred historical figure for an entire week, and they can try to guess who these writers are blogging as.

I am, of course, one of the Lost Bloggers and if you want to take a shot and guess which famous personality I was trying to blog as, click your way now to I Am NOT What I Am. Do check out the other Lost Bloggers too on my Blogroll and see if you can unravel the mystery writers!


Cavalock said...

hey, that's pretty cool

NA said...

Will "The Lost Blogs" appear in print anytime soon?