I'm a simple girl with a li'l dream, of seeing her humble works in exquisite print, to share with all who feels for words, written with
an unsupressable urge. So indugle in my fantasies, and plow your way through my memories, greatly appreciated you will be,
if you can leave your comments here for me.

Sunday, November 12, 2006


I've always believe if you dare to dream, you will be able to achieve it one day through small baby steps. Each step may look pretty insignificant at first, but it takes you a bit closer to your ultimate destination. When you add up all these little steps, they will evenutally become that one giant leap intto achieving your dreams.

If you have been long staying guests of Hotel Solace, you'd know my dream is to be a writer, hopefully a much celebrated one. Writing and publishing the English creative writing workbook was that first li'l step for me. proJectpinK - which is still under compilation - would be my next baby step.

And today, I formed WriteClique - An exclusive writers' e-club where you will enjoy total literary freedom and meet people brimming with the same fiery passion for writing.

I am someone who writes better than I can ever express myself in any other form. Deep inside me, I've got this feeling that most writers are probably like me. A writers' network such as WriteClique attempts to bring these talented, like minded people together to share their passion for the written word. And hopefully, through this intricate network, we will be able to tap on to each other's talents and experiences, and work on interesting writing projects that will fulfil everyone's hidden desire to be a published author.

The forum is strictly for everything and anything related to writing only. That will cover all forms of writing - copy writing, screenwriting, authoring of books, articles, online content, fiction writing etc.

This e-group will focus on the following key interest areas:

- International Freelance Writing assignments
- WriteClique Writing Projects (e.g. proJectpinK)
- Pitches to media and publishers for selected writers' work
- Career opportunities in writing
- Writing tips and experiences (both good and bad ones!)
- Writing courses/workshops
- Exchanging of ideas, inspiration and dreams
- Sharing your Works/Poems/Prose
- Writing Events and Competitions
- Post your Writing CV (under FILES)
- Promote your written material/books
- Publishers information
- World of WriteClique networking events
- ... and any other writing stuffies!

If you like what you have read and share our dreams and passion, subscribe to our group at writeclique-subscribe@yahoogroups.com, with a paragraph on why you would want to be part of this international writers' network.

“Only as high as I reach can I grow, only as far as I seek can I go,
only as deep as I look can I see, only as much as I dream can I be.”
~ Karen Ravn

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

the treadmill

by ~protozoario

Beloved guests of Hotel Solace - I am back! A long hiatus I must agree, but as you know, October was a mad month for me.

I have survived it, and sucking my stomach in for November. Working out my marketing budgets for next year, and it looks wonderful! At least I will get some of my marketing wishlist fulfilled! And that means I am potentially going to roll out some strong branding, marketing, PR and advertising initiatives that will potentially benefit Singapore, KL and HK in a BIG way. As of today, I've also managed to convince Japan to take part in some of my marketing ideas for Asia - and that's a thrill!

The other good news is - I am finally getting my temp marketing assistant! That's absolutely divine because I do not have to work my bones off so much anymore. He's coming in for an interview tomorrow morning - and I am keeping my fingers crossed that my boss approves of him. :)

Recently, I seem to have loads and loads of ideas that are bursting out of me. I want to do so many things. I want to create so many stuff. Everything's tumbling over each other at rocket speed inside my head that I couldn't sleep. I keep wondering what I could have done, what I have to do, what I can possibly achieve and more's out there for me to experiment and execute to get it all together.

My brain's racing ahead of me and if I do not know myself better, I would have suspected that I am on drugs. I can't stop thinking about stuff. My mind's a hyper-activity hub that operates 24/7. And I don't know why.

Sometimes I burnt myself out just trying to do everything. It seems I am so afraid that I may just die tomorrow with much remorse and regret if I cannot fulfil all I wanted to do. I race against time every single day, just so I can satisfy all the desires, great ideas, wonderful plans and my dreams. Every single success and accomplishment gets ticked off from my life's TO DO list, and it almost feels like a drug addiction that I crave for to keep me alive.

If I were to stop whatever I am doing, I just might wither and die. I wanted so much to rest sometimes, but I can't stop running. The feeling's like running on a treadmill that couldn't be turn off.

But the funny thing is, I am high on work. And I am very happy.

I think I am insane.